Volunteer Spotlight
Meet Dick & Pat Foor
This Volunteer Spotlight is actually two people, the dynamic duo otherwise known as Dick and Pat Foor. (Or perhaps they'd be considered more of a duet since they met in college while playing in the band.) You might have noticed them working together in the Lobby Shop on Friday mornings, a charming couple, never missing a beat as they help customers and each other. It's as if they've been together so long they know each other's habits inside and out—probably because they do. After all, the month of July (2018) marks their 66th wedding anniversary.

Dick and Pat's Story
In describing the moment they found out they'd been selected, Pay said they were "very surprised." Yet, seeing they have a combined 27,500 hours of service, accumulated over 29 years of volunteering, they were a logical choice to spotlight. Would they have been resentful if one was chosen over the other? "Heavens no!" Pat insisted.
Not only have they raised two children together, they've enjoyed fulfilling teaching careers. In a sense, they have always been devoted to the community. Before the advent of added technology for the vision impaired, they gave their time to read and record newspaper stories for blind readers. Plus they've impacted countless young lives as educators. Pat spent 29 years teaching kindergarten in the Atherton school district. Dick spent 38 years as a music instructor, an elementary principal, and a 5th-grade science teacher, which he enjoyed the most.
Their duties at the Lobby Shop include making sure the candy and pop are out and ready for the customers, answering phones, ringing people up and assisting with the stockroom inventory once a year.
As so often is the case, it was a personal connection that prompted them to come to Hurley when they sought volunteer opportunities. Their daughter Pam worked at Hurley, plus Pat's best friend was head of the School of Nursing at the time. They have both held leadership roles in the auxiliary—Pat as Secretary and Dick as Membership Director—and have helped with many luncheons and events over the years.
"You meet some of the nicest people, visitors and employees," said Dick. "A few have been around almost as long as we have."
Music has always played a big part in their lives. As mentioned earlier, they met in the band at Albion College, where Pat was a flutist, and Dick played bassoon. When they're not at Hurley, they sing in the church choir and have previously been members of the symphonic choir. They also enjoy family time and cheering on the Spartans, since Dick received his Master's degree from MSU.
But volunteering will always factor into how they choose to spend their days.
"I would miss not being able to volunteer," Pat said.
Dick said what he likes most about volunteering is feeling needed and having something to do. Of course being idle would feel wrong to people leading lives of active communitarianism. When he reflects back on being left with nothing to do, Dick sums up his and his wife's attitude: "That would drive us both up the wall!"
Thank you, Pat and DIck, for your years (and hours) of service both to Hurley and the community. Your teamwork, your exemplary values and your commitment to customer service make you an asset to the Volunteer Corps—both as a team and in your own right.